Sae Schatz, Ph.D., is an applied researcher, learning science practitioner, and director of the U.S.-based Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative and corresponding global partnership network.
Globalization, social media, ever-increasing computing power, and the proliferation of low-cost advanced technologies have created a level of worldwide complexity and rapid change never before seen. To remain competitive in this environment, coalition defense agencies must identify new ways to empower our forces. Part of that solution includes increased investments in our personnel (i.e., our “talent” or “human dimension”). Specifically, military personnel require an expanded set of competencies, higher levels of nuanced skills such as critical thinking and emotional intelligence, and more efficient and agile pathways to expertise. Towards this end, this talk will outline a vision for the future of military learning, painting a picture of the “art of the possible,” and describing a range of emerging learning technologies that will enable this vision.
Paul Thurkettle is a British NATO civilian working at one of the two NATO strategic commands, Allied Command Transformation based in Norfolk, Virginia. His twenty six year NATO career and 12 year Royal Air Force service has covered telecommunications, command and control systems, technology and training. Now in his role as the lead for NATO in adopting technology for education and training he is introducing e-Learning into NATO covering all aspects of this field from serious games/virtual worlds (Immersive Training) to mobile learning to Transmedia Learning. Paul lives in Hampton, Virginia with his two children and as many boats as he can afford.
In Star Trek’s hostile Borg species, the threat “You will be assimilated”, spreads fear into peaceful worlds around the galaxy. However, the notion that each individual’s skills and memory are put to the collective knowledge and wisdom, is something NATO attempts every time we run an exercise. Taking thousands of augmentees from multiple nations, giving them three days academic training and then expecting them to function in a difficult and challenging environment, is always a hard expectation. NATO’s Allied Command Transformation is now experimenting with a new concept for exercise preparation. The Virtual CJOC (Combined Joint Operations Centre) will allow individuals from their home stations to prepare in small dispersed teams “a day in the life of an exercise”. From familiarisation of NATO CIS systems to finding the mess hall, the immersive training tool will allow augmentees to prepare for their deployment. This presentation will review the goals of the programme, demonstrate the capability and outline the challenges.
Reflective practitioner – what is good education and learning?
In the session Magnus tells you short about his journey through the Swedish education system in which he has carried out systematic change process to enhance learning. The main idea is to activate and to optimize value creation and resource consumption. You will find out how this is concretely implemented, what positive and negative effects it had and what reflections it brought. The big question is: What is good education and learning?
Keynote speakers: 45 mins.
Speakers (Auditorium): 30 mins.
Parallel sessions: 40 mins.
Workshops: 2x40 mins. or
Workshop: 90 mins.
Exhibition in every break
Event Date
May 10th - 12th may 2016
Hotel Gustavelund
Tuusula, Finland
The conference fee 2016
(5520 NOK, 5570 SEK, 4475 DKK)
Price extra night 120€
Accomodation from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th.
Accomodation single room
All meals
Free coffe during all breaks
Free Wifi
Free parking
Free transport Airport/Hotel (Shuttle)