Are we ready for the future? How do we utilize rapid technological development to learn in the best way? Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) were two of this year's themes addressed at the "Nordic ADL Conference 2024".
Are we ready for the future? A justified question at this year's recently concluded conference in Halmstad on online learning within the framework of NORDEFCO cooperation (Nordic Defence Cooperation). A record number of participants, about 170 people from around fifteen countries, gathered to listen to lectures by world-leading researchers, participate in workshops, and exchange knowledge and experiences. In challenging times, cooperation and creative yet sensible thoughts are needed.
- "NORDEFCO and NATO pave the way for cross-border collaboration in research, development, and implementation of online learning, both in terms of technology and teaching methods," says Major General Michael Cherinet, Head of Directorate for Capability and Finance, Defence Staff and the Swedish Armed Forces' Head of Education. "This cooperation enriches our training and exercise activities, which are key to developing and maintaining all military capabilities and readiness. It also creates a sense of solidarity and mutual support within the NORDEFCO and NATO communities. By embracing online methods, we equip our armed forces with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability required to operate in an ever-changing security environment."
Major General Michael Cherinet, Head of Directorate for Capability and Finance, Defence Staff and the Swedish Armed Forces' Head of Education, opened this year's conference via video.
The conference is an important part of a broader ongoing Nordic cooperation where other countries are also invited. The pace of technological development is rapid, as is the development of methods, for example, during the ongoing war in Ukraine, which more or less forces the implementation of new practical applications.
- "The Ukrainian participants' presentations made the strongest impression on me during this conference," says Magnus Persson, educational developer at the Armed Forces Technical School. "Their experiences in the field are current lessons directly from a war zone, such as how to use online learning to constantly train new soldiers in medical services. The sense of serious times and common challenges is present, which motivates everyone and makes them feel that the work is important."
Magnus Persson, educational developer at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School.
A recurring theme at the conference is artificial intelligence (AI) and its applicability in military service and education. There is great curiosity about whether AI can lead to efficiency gains, but also how we critically examine a trend and phenomenon that many claim will mean a paradigm shift in human history.
- "To meet the demand for growth, many of us need to work smarter," reasons Sebastian Wolgast, Deputy Head. "This conference offers guidance and insights into understanding why and how we can improve our work and develop our operations, for example, by leveraging AI technology's potential. I can identify areas within my department where AI could be used to increase efficiency, reduce workload, and create added value for the Swedish Armed Forces, not least in administrative work."
- "I see great potential in the use of AI, but I believe we need to think through what we implement and what we don't," says Gro Frølund, a teacher from the Defence Language School at the Danish Defence Academy in Copenhagen and one of the conference speakers. "The dialogue is open right now, and I think we are good at asking questions and challenging each other's perspectives. We must continue to do so. When development happens very quickly, it is crucial that we can also think about the consequences of what we do and how it affects learning and the learning environment."
Sebastian Wolgast, Deputy Head
Gro Frølund, teacher at the Defence Language School at the Defence Academy in Copenhagen.
Personnel from the Swedish Armed Forces Development Unit for Leadership and Pedagogy at the Military Academy, Halmstad (MHS H/FMLOPE) have been leading the planning and implementation of this year's conference together with colleagues from Norway, Finland and Denmark. An extensive buffet of lectures and workshops is offered, according to a well-established and appreciated concept, where there is also plenty of time to meet and build professional networks. Nordic cooperation continues throughout the year, with one of the important tasks being to keep track of developments together.
- "Much now revolves around AI, but technological development is so much more, and it is moving very fast," says Tohmas Ax, project manager at MHS H/FMLOPE. "Trends come and go, and the challenge is to understand what will have an impact over time. It is very good that we are four countries that have sensors out and can cooperate. When I think of NORDEFCO, I think that my office is much larger than the four walls where I have my daily workplace and that I have more colleagues than the Swedish ones I meet daily."
- "I believe we have the same objectives in the Nordic countries," adds Geir Isaksen, head of department at the Norwegian Defence University College in Oslo and one of the organizers of this year's conference. "It is easy to fall into the trap of constantly buying new technology because it is the latest and there is a 'hype' around it. The most important thing we want to convey is how we use technology in the best way to achieve the best and most optimal learning."
Geir Isaksen and Tohmas Ax - two members of the NORDEFCO organizing team.
The conference participants include teachers, educational developers, and managers at various levels. It is together that one best understands the opportunities and the value of investing in conditions for online learning – both to create flexibility in the education system and to free up time that teachers can use for more qualitative practical training, but what about the rhetorical question of whether we are ready for the future?
- "The most important message I take with me is the need for a 'Plan B'," summarizes Martin Björk from the Swedish Armed Forces Defence Staff's personnel development section (FST GEN UTB Persutv). "That is, the importance of both planning long-term to create conditions to meet future generations and how they learn and immediately reviewing the educational activities here and now to quickly meet the training needs that arise if we need to switch from basic readiness to heightened readiness. The digitalization of the Armed Forces and how we choose to use online learning and online methods will then play a crucial role."
Martin Björk, Headquarters representative on-site.
Professor Andy van Schaack, Vanderbilt University (USA), one of the main speakers at the conference, who talked about the approach to AI in education.
Doctor Sae Schatz, USA, lectured on AI in military education.
Senior researcher Carl Heath from RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) lectured on the importance of digital transformation for education and training.
Hillery Hommes from the Netherlands concluded the conference with a thought-provoking lecture on online learning in times of crisis.
In addition to inspiring and highlighting current research and practice, dialogue and networking are one of the main purposes of the conference.
Text by Charlotte Pettersson, Communicator, Military Academy Halmstad
Pictures by Sofia Svensson, Communicator, Military Academy Halmstad
The final program will be published on January 23rd and registration for the conference will open for participants on the same day.